As bloggers we literally put ourselves out there. We let the world in on our small world. We let the world know our beliefs and a small part of us that no one sees comes out when we write. We bare all.
Sometimes we face ridicule or judgment from our families and friends that we permit into this small part of the world we have carved for ourselves. Well, this blog was a great way for me to get comfortable and ready to face anything now. I am finally ready to let my family and friends in on this world.
So, I created a new blog with my real information and will be talking about my family more. I have always protected my son because I wanted it to be his decision if the world knows who he is. I want him to select the information that is on the web about him.
Despite all of this, I can still shelter him and let him make the decision, but I do know I am ready to face the world.
Public blogging will change your perspective on situations & feelings, I always ask myself, if I can't write this, then am I really being nice & fair? Is this how I want to be perceived? Congrats on "coming" out!
I would like to talk with you about needing help to promote would you be interested?
Dario Agama
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